If someone asked you, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”, how would you answer? Do you know what Christians believe?
Jesus said, in one of the most famous verses in The Bible (John 3:16), “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” But what does that mean? Watch this short video. It tries to explain the Christian message.
The script for the “What Christians Believe” video can be found here.
What Christians Believe should be backed up by verses from the Bible Here are the main verses used in the video. Try looking them up:
God loves you & has a plan for your life:
Psalm 139:13-14 & John 10:10
Mankind is sinful & is now separated from God:
Romans 3:23 & Isaiah 59:2
God sent his son to die for your sins:
Romans 5:8 & Romans 6:23
So, what will you do?
John 14:6 & Romans 10:9
Did you notice that the Christian message requires a response. God gives us free will. He doesn’t force himself upon us. But it’s important to understand this, Jesus will either be your saviour or your judge.
Next Steps
Are you asking yourself, “how do I become a Christian?”
Romans 10:9 says…
because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Becoming a Christian is as easy as ABC.
Accept that you are a sinner and that there is no way you could earn a place in heaven. God would require you to be morally perfect, which is impossible, for anyone. The first step to becoming a Christian is to swallow your pride and realise that you need saving.
Believe in the name of Jesus. He came and died for sinners like you and me. Believe and trust that Jesus lead a perfect life. When He was on the cross, He took all of our sins on His body and was punished on our behalf. The debt that we owe God, because of all the things we have done wrong, has been paid for by Jesus. We can’t repay this. It is a gift from God. How do you get this gift?
Confess & Come: You have to confess and ask for God’s mercy and come to Him. He will not turn someone away who has recognised their need for Him. When you become a Christian, His Holy Spirit comes and lives in you and you become a new person. This is what it meant by being ‘born again’.
No, not yet.
Thank you for listening. In Matthew 16:13-20 there’s a conversation between Jesus and his disciples where they are discussing who people say he is. Jesus then turns the conversation around on them. He asks, “Who do YOU say I am?” It’s such an important question. There will always be questions; things we don’t understand, but Jesus does promise us that if we are really seeking him, we will find him. Keep searching. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. God knows your every thought. Jesus claims to be the way, the truth and the life. If you are seeking the truth, you will find him. Do you have any Christian friends that you could talk to?
There is a page on this website with a few answers to some questions that you might have. Try going there. Keep reading The Bible prayerfully too. God speaks very powerfully through his word. Then try watching this video again.
Where Next?
Did you go through the ABC of becoming a Christian?
This is the beginning of your new life with Christ. I would recommend that you share this wonderful news with a Christain friend.
Try exploring this page next.

Here’s a link to some questions that you might have.
Try this page next…