Category Spread the Word

Here is a blog with short articles or ideas designed to help you spread God’s word with those around you. They may contain free resources or seasonal ideas. Please share any you like with friends & family or those on social media.

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Covid & Easter

What does Covid-19 and Easter have in common?

Did you know that there are 10 things that Covid-19 has in common with the Easter story?! Watch this video to find out what they are… This message, given by Joe Kirby, made it clear that Jesus demands a response.…

Why Easter?

Why is Easter a celebration of hope?

When you think about Easter, what springs to mind? Chocolate eggs, Easter bunnies, new life, improving weather? As well as these things, Easter is also a time of great hope. Christians remember Jesus’ death at Easter, yet it’s a time…

Lent Bible Reading Plan

Discover what the empty tomb means and why it's good news.

There are 46 days in lent. There are 16 chapters in Mark’s Gospel and 28 chapters in Acts. This means you could read all about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus plus the empowerment of the early Church through…

A Call to Prayer

National Day or Prayer

There’s a National Day of prayer and fasting in the UK on Friday 22nd of January. Will you pray for our nation? You could: Contact a few Christian friends and pray for 30-60 minutes together online Set reminders on your…

Christmas Unwrapped

Discover the gift of Christmas

Christmas is such a busy time of year, it’s very easy to miss what it’s all really about. Take some time to put the wrapping paper down, and unwrap the real meaning! Make a cuppa, and watch this video message…