Category Bible Quizzes

How well do you know the Bible? Do you enjoy answering Bible facts and quizzes? We produce fun & educational videos packed with Bible knowledge and trivia. If you love answering general knowledge questions and enjoy quiz shows, you’ll enjoy this section of our website. We also have a heart for helping people grow in both Biblical knowledge and their Christian faith. Our quizzes therefore often have a ‘going deeper’ type question at the end. These extension questions are designed to aid discussion or just make you think more deeply. Hopefully this will be a question to take away and ponder on.

These videos can also be used by individuals, but also as ice-breakers, with children’s ministry, youth groups or even pub quizzes and quiz nights.

They come in different difficulty levels, but none are very challenging. As a rough guide:

Level 1: Easy quiz questions with answers (look for the green ribbon on the picture). These are suitable for those with very little Bible knowledge.

Level 2: Bible Quiz questions and answers of a medium difficulty (look for the yellow ribbon on the picture). These are suitable for teenaged youth groups. You’ll need some Bible knowledge.

Level 3: Difficult Bible quiz questions and answers (Look for the red ribbon on the picture) More challenging. These are suitable for someone who’s a Christian with reasonable Bible knowledge- but you don’t need a Theology degree!


And if you would like to be notified when a new video is released, please subscribe to our YouTube channel, and hit the notification bell:

Subscribe to YoutTube Channel You can view our Bible Quizzes here. Some posts come with additional accompanying resources:

Famous Bible Verses!

Famous Bible verses Bible quiz

Think you know your Bible? Put your knowledge to the test with this fun famous Bible verse quiz! In this video, we’ll read you ten famous Bible verses and ask you to identify the book, chapter, and verse where they…

Genesis 1-11

Genesis Bible Quiz

Join us for a fun and educational Genesis Bible quiz on the accounts of creation, the flood and the Tower of Babel. Test your knowledge and see how well you remember these important events from the Old Testament. Whether you’re…

Who said that?

Bible Quote Quiz

In this Bible quote Quiz, you will see some words quoted from the Bible. You’re challenge is the work out who is speaking, and who they are speaking to. If you want to make this into a difficult Bible Quiz,…

Stained Glass Windows!

Can you recognise these New Testament stories just from looking at these stained glass windows? In this stained glass window Bible Quiz, there are 10 stained glass windows depicting scenes from the New Testament. Can you work them out in…

Babies Bible Quiz!

Babies Bible Quiz

What does the Bible say about babies (born and unborn)? How does God view the unborn child? Test your Bible knowledge with this babies Bible quiz. There are 10 quiz questions and answers. There are Bible questions from both the…

Fear Bible Quiz

Fear Bible Quiz

What does The Bible say about Fear? Test your Bible trivia knowledge with this fear Bible Quiz with questions and answers- designed to share at Halloween. There are Bible questions from both the Old and New Testaments. Does The Bible…

Complete the Proverb!

Proverbs Bible Quiz

Test your Bible knowledge with this Proverbs Bible Quiz. Here are 10 verses from the Book of Proverbs, from The Old Testament in The Bible, but there are some gaps. Can you fill them in correctly? Are you ready for…