This Bible quiz with questions and answers is about the life of Joseph. Joseph is a famous Bible character whose life is recorded in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament. Test how much you know about him by answering these 10 Bible quiz questions with answers.
Here are the 10 questions, for the answers, please watch our YouTube videos below.
Joseph’s father was Jacob, but who was his mother?
(Genesis 30: 22-24)
How many brothers did Joseph have?
What was the recurring theme of Joseph’s dreams?
That He would one day be King
That his family would become a nation
That his family would bow down to him
(Genesis 37:5-11)
Which of Joseph’s brothers convinced the others not to kill him?
(Genesis 37: 21-22)
When Joseph was put in a prison in Egypt, how did God show His faithful love for him?
He made Joseph a favourite of the prison warden who put him in charge. Joseph was successful in everything under his care. OR
The prison keeper noticed him, put him in charge, and he was successful in everything under his care. OR
He helped Joseph to escape after only a year
He made sure Joseph was never cold or hungry
(Genesis 39:21-23)
When Joseph was in prison, who had strange dreams that needed an interpretation?
The jailer and a prisoner
A Chief cupbearer and chief baker
Genesis 40
What did Pharaoh’s dream about the 7 plump cows and 7 thin cows represent?
7 years of plenty, followed by 7 years of famine
7 months of rain, followed by 7 years of drought
7 days of peace, followed by 7 days of war
(Genesis 41:26-31)
Who was able to interpret Pharoah’s dream?
The magicians of Egypt
Joseph is very quick to say that any interpretation comes from God, making sure He gets the glory. (Genesis 41: 16)
Why did Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt?
To buy grain
To sell produce
To look for water
(Genesis 42: 2)
When Joseph’s father died, he had the opportunity to get even with his brothers. What did he do?
He made them and their families leave Egypt.
He let them stay in safety, but made them his servants.
He forgave them and saw that God had meant everything for good.
Joseph could see the hand of God working for good, even through very difficult times. Genesis 50:15-21 tells such a beautiful story of forgiveness and trust in God.
Bonus Question for Personal Reflection:
Joseph’s live was full of ups and downs. His brothers tried to kill him, he was sold as a slave and was falsely imprisoned. But God was faithful and through Joseph the nation of Israel (and Egypt) was saved from starvation. What an incredible story. You can read about his life in Genesis chapters 37-50.
Bonus Question:
Can you think of a time when God has worked for good in a difficult situation?
Here are the answers to the Joseph Quiz:
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