Here’s a quiz about Jesus, with answers! It’s a fun way to test your Bible knowledge. It’s consists of 10 timed quiz questions about Jesus’ life and what He said, as well as how others reacted to Him. This is of medium difficulty and is suitable for individuals, church small groups (including youth) as well as pub quizzes and quiz nights
There are 2 versions of Quiz about Jesus on video- one that’s narrated, and one that isn’t.- or you could download the PDF of this, and read out yourself. I do hope it’s useful to you. If you like it, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel “Bible Facts and Quizzes” Enjoy!
Quiz about Jesus (narrated version)
Quiz about Jesus (non-narrated)
Here were the questions:
Question 1. How old was Jesus when He first talked to the elders at the temple in Jerusalem?
Question 2. Which was Jesus’ first recorded miracle? Was it:
- The Feeding of the 5000
- Calming of a storm
- The healing a blind man
- Turning water into wine
Question 3. In the account of the calming of the storm, what was Jesus doing while the disciples were scared?
Question 4. This is one of Jesus’ “I am” statements from John’s Gospel. Can you fill in the 3 blanks?Jesus used the phrase “I am” quite a few times in John’s
“ Jesus said to him, “I am the—, and the—, and the—. ….”
Question 5. How many ways does Jesus say there are to get to the Father? (hint, it’s the next part of the verse from question 40
Question 6. In a conversation with a rich young man, who, according to Jesus, is the only one who is good? Is it
- A parent
- God
- A prophet
- The Jewish nation
Question 7. In Matthew chapter 16, Jesus was with His disciples. Jesus asked Peter who he thought He was. What did Peter say? Did he say
- The Christ, the Son of the Living God
- Elijah
- John the Baptist
- He was too afraid to answer
Question 8. When Jesus heard that Lazarus had died, how did he react?
Question 9. Who warned Pontius Pilate not to crucify Jesus because of a dream they’d had?
Question 10. According to John’s Gospel, when Mary Magdalene first saw the risen Jesus, she didn’t recognise Him. Who did she think He was?
(You’ll have to watch the video to find out the answers!)
Bible Quiz questions about Jesus: Script
Here’s a PDF of the script of ‘Bible quiz questions about Jesus’ (with answers) from the narrated video:
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