The idea
So, take box, anything that’s waterproof, and put a Bible inside it. Leave this somewhere with an invitation for people to take one. And pray. Pray for people to take one, and pray for the those that do. That’s it. There are lots of free Christian resources on this page to help you.
Using the site…
This website is designed as a place where you can direct people to in order to get support reading their new Bible. There are ‘branded’ bookmarks you can print off with our web address on. However, many are duplicated, they come with and without our logo/ web address. Some come with QR codes. If you are using our ‘branded’ ones, please make sure that you are happy with the content of this site. If there is anything that you think is unscriptural, please contact me.
Use the free resources…
It may be that you want to use our unbranded resources, adapt them or put your churches’ web address on instead. Just use as you feel the Lord is leading you.
Free Christian Tracts
As well as a bookmark, you could include a Christian tract. Here is a website that offers free tracts (as well as advice on how to use them). There’s a large selection that you can view first before ordering. You will be asked if you want to make a contribution towards postage.
Link to Xpand Christianty- Free Christian Literature page
Free Christian resources: Bible Box Decorations
Decorate your Bible box:
Here are some images that you could use to decorate your Bible Boxes. If using the PDFs, the larger ones, when printed, will measure about 16.5 cm x 16.5 cm . The smaller ones are about 16.5cm x 12.7cm. The QR codes direct you to the home page.
The larger designs 5-8 only come with logos and QR codes.

Free-bibles-please-take-one-large-bible-box-decoration (designs 1-4)Download
Free-bibles-please-take-one-large-bible-box-decoration-with-logo (designs 1-4)Download
Free-bibles-please-take-one-large-bible box decoration-QR-code (designs 1-4)Download
Free-bibles-please-take-one-large-Bible-box-decoration-with-logo-and-QR-(designs 5-8)Download
Letterbox Signs
Nowhere to put a box? Then try this on your letterbox instead. There are 6 to choose from. Download the PDF of all 6. They measure about 25.5cm x 4cm

Free Christian Resources: Downloadable Bookmarks:
Each PDF page contains 8 identical bookmarks, each measuring approximately 5cm x 14cm. Download, print and use as the Lord directs.
Romans Road to Salvation free bookmarks:
These take key verses from Romans to try and explain the gospel message. Choose if you want it with or without our logo. Both have a 3rd PDF page which just has the web address and logo. This is an optional reverse side.

The-Romans-Road-to-Salvation-Free-Bookmarks-PDF Style-1Download
Need help reading The Bible bookmarks
These just direct people to this site:

What Christians Believe Bookmark:
The ‘What Christians Believe’ bookmark is designed to accompany the video presentation on this website. The QR code takes you directly to that page. They contain the key scripture verses used to explain the gospel message.

Business cards
Here are some business card sized print offs that direct people to the “What do Christians believe?’ page. Some come with a QR code, some just have the web address. The PDF has 2 pages, 1 page with each design. Just print the design you want. I have laminated mine.

Seasonal Ideas:
Free Christian Resources for Easter:
There are 2 Easter messages to choose from
Why Easter?: J. John has produced an Easter video called “Why Easter” with a simple gospel message. He has made this resources available for Churches to use. If you would like to invite friends or neighbours to watch it, why not print out the postcards below and stick them into Easter cards. Some contain the web address, others have a QR code. Both take you to this page.
Here are the postcards:

Why Easter? postcards invites (Both Designs)Download
Covid-19 and Easter? This video was actually produced last year, but is still very relevant for 2021. It makes some parallels between the pandemic and the gospel message. If you are not familiar with Joe Kirby and his YouTube Channel “Off the Kirb Ministries”, you take a look here.
Here are the invite cards for this talk:

They direct you to this page. You can download and print of PDFs below.
Covid-Easter Postcards invites (Both Designs)Download
Halloween (or National Evangelism Day!)
On Halloween, you may have people coming to your door and asking for a treat. As Christians, don’t we believe that the gospel message is the best treat you could give anyone? We have turned our Bible box into a treat box with gospel tracts, crayons and chocolates.
If you would like to do a similar thing, here is a box decoration you can download:

Free Christian Resources for Christmas:
Why not put something in friends’ and neighbours’ Christmas cards? There are tracts that you can buy cheaply.
I have uploaded a J. John message that he made available for Churches to use. It has an evangelistic message with prayer at the end. In his usual way, he explains the gospel message in a very accessible, easy to understand manner. If you would like to invite your friends to watch it, you can download some postcard sized invites (see the PDF under the picture). The QR code takes you to this page.
Here’s the postcard:

Christmas Unwrapped invites postcard x4 with QR codesDownload
Social Media
We have a Facebook and Instagram page. The links are in the footer. Why not tag us in if you are getting involved. It would be great to share ideas and pray for each other.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
Romans 1:16