Join us for a fun and educational Genesis Bible quiz on the accounts of creation, the flood and the Tower of Babel. Test your knowledge and see how well you remember these important events from the Old Testament. Whether you’re a Bible scholar or just learning about these stories for the first time, this quiz is for you. So grab your Bible and see how well you do! This quiz covers the accounts of creation, the flood and the Tower of Babel as they are told in the book of Genesis, chapters 1-11. Some of the of the questions are a little tricky, so come prepared and see how you measure up!
Genesis Bible Quiz (Part 1) Chapters 1-11- Questions:
- According to the first verse in the Bible, what was the first thing that God created?
- Where was the Garden of Eden located? In the North, in the South, in the East or in the West?
- When Adam was in the Garden of Eden, what was the one thing that God told him he must not do?
- Who was the first person in the Bible to physically die?
- Who built the first city, and for a bonus question, what was it called?
- Cain
- Noah or
- Shem
6. How long was Noah’s Ark?
- 100 metres
- 135 metres or
- 275 metres
7. How many people were on the ark with Noah?
8. How many pairs of clean animals did Noah take into the ark?
9. How many days did it take for the waters of the flood to recede?
10. Where was the Tower of Babel built?
- Babylonia
- Ur or
- Nineveh
Bonus Question:
The creation account tells us that humans are created in his image.
“So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.”
(Genesis 1:27)
How does the truth in Genesis 1:27 guide the way you treat the people around you?
Genesis Bible Quiz (Part 1) Answers:
Did you know this was part of a series? You can find all of our Genesis Bible Quizzes here
Genesis Bible Quiz: Whole Series
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