Apostle Paul Quiz

How much do you know about the Apostle Paul? Find out in this Apostle Paul Bible quiz. Paul is one of the most famous characters in the New Testament. In this Bible quiz, there are questions about his life and how he changed. There’s also a small clip from a film with a bonus question at the end.

Learn about the life of the Apostle Paul with this Fun Bible quiz questions and answers. There are 10 Bible Quiz questions, with the answers at the end. There are some bonus facts about Saint Paul, plus some “Going deeper” questions at the end. Most of the answers can be found in the Book of Acts.

Questions: (in the video there are multiple choice answers!)

1: Where was Paul born?

2: Where does Paul first appear in the Bible?

3: Before Paul met Christ, what was his relationship with the Church?

4: When Paul was on the road to Damascus he heard a voice from heaven. What did the voice say?

5: Paul was left blind. What was the name of the believer in Damascus that laid his hand on Paul so that he could see again?

6: How many major missionary journeys did Paul go on?

7: Why were Paul and Silas thrown into a Philippian prison?

8: When Paul and Silas were beaten and put into prison, what did they do at midnight?

9: Paul was shipwrecked on which Island?

10: Which of these Old Testament books did Paul NOT write?
Galatians, Romans, 2 Timothy, 1 Peter

For the answers (and the multiple choice questions to give you more clues), watch the Apostle Paul Bible Quiz video here)

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