Animated Apologetics

We use animation to explain and defend Christianity

This is run by James Middleton, from Short Fuse Creative Ltd. He is a talented animator, working mainly with Adobe Software and Blender. He creates short animations, both CGI and Claymation style, as well as producing video productions. He is a committed Christian and online apologist. He loves to combine these skills, making the gospel message powerfully understood.


GCI/ Blender Animation for Michael Jones, Inspiring Philosophy

Apart from the rising sun and the two drone shots (sand dunes/mountains in mist), all other snippets where produced by Short Fuse Creative using animated CGI in Blender 2.8. The ancient Sumer shot at the beginning was the most complicated. James then edited the sequence together and handed it over to Michael, who was very happy with the result.

Light-Hearted Animation for a Churches Together Advert

The brief for this was to make a light-hearted and eye-catching advertisement for a Churches Together Drive-in service. It needed to be no more than than 1 minute, so it would be suitable for Instagram. We used Blender 2.9. Unfortunately, all of the Hollywood stars in the advert were busy, so James had to do all of the voice-over work! More people came to the Church service than to the films that were being shown during the same weekend. Praise God!

You can contact James via the email link on this site (or through Short Fuse Creative)

(Part of Short Fuse Creative LTD)